1.6 Map project - LUPMISManual

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1. GIS handling

1.6 Map Project

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Advanced; general Map Maker training

The set-up of many layers with their databases (see  Chapter 4), their styles selected (see  Chapter 6.2) and their labels at a specific geographical location in a given zoom, can be a major effort. When you exit Map Maker, you loose all these settings. You have to define them again for your next session.

To avoid this, you can save all these settings in a map project file (with extension
GEO) through Main menu > File > Save project.

Next time, you can open this project file and the same display as before will show (on the same computer) by
Main menu > File > Open Project > Open Project window: Select the map project file > OK

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Note 1: When you save this project file, you don’t save the actual GIS data. Thus, always save the data first, when you edit layers (right-mouse > Save live layer >>>).

Note 2: This GEO file doesn’t contain actual data or map layers, but only the references to data and the settings (like the APR or MXD files in ESRI). A map project file copied to a different computer will work exactly the same as on the source computer only if all data folders are synchronized on both computer. Thus, it is strongly recommended to follow the LUPMIS technical standards ( Annex 1.2). You can list location of all data layers through
Project Manager > Components > Files.

Note 3: Saving the project into a GEO file, also creates a project-specific style file (STL) with definition of all mapping units (see  Chapter 6.2 and particularly Chapter 6.6.1 Note 2) .


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