2.14 Insert island - LUPMISManual

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2. GIS data entry

2.14 Insert Island

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; general Map Maker training

An island – in GIS terms – is a polygon, which is completely surrounded by one other polygon:

All these are examples of islands, but not the one below. Why?

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A (small) island can be inserted to a (larger) polygon with the Cutter-tool:

1. Selecting the Cutter-tool from the toolbar at left
2. Click inside the larger polygon at any point of the island border
3. Define the shape of the island by clicking the boundary
4. Left-click at the starting point

There is no style or label assigned to the new island. Thus, you have to use the Edit-tool from the toolbar left, select with the left-mouse the blue circle and assign a value:


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