8.4.8 Notes for Permit Database - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.4 Permit Tools

8.4.8 Notes for Permit Database

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Advanced

This Web page is still under construction and incomplete. It will be updated and complete shortly.

A) If a permit can not be located on a Local Plan yet, a temporary number can be assigned and all permit information entered to this temporary number. After the parcel has been located and a UPN number has been assigned tothe parcel, the option ‘Transfer 111- to UPN’ converts the previous, temporary number to the final UPN.

Alternatively, the parcel can be deleted from the Permit Database, and a new entry can be made with the correct UPN.

All temporary numbers have a prefix of 111, for example 111-0100-0059.

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B) Many of the procedures running at the Permit Database require Map Maker. It is therefore recommended to load Map Maker when loading the Permit Database. An internal check is made, if Map Maker is loaded; if negative, it reminds the user to load Map Maker. Map Maker is required in version of 30 November 2009 or later, also MMmacro.

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C) Interfacing to the LIS is assured through two features:

  • Compatible data format (MDB,SHP). Others can be implemented on request

  • Compatible parcel identifier, with UPN

Data transfer is currently made only offline, but future visions shall include the possibility to online data exchange.

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D) The previous coding system of Sector – Block – Parcel is kept for easier transfer to the new system for a transition time. Search can be done for this code under 'Parcels > Search parcel for old unit'.

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E) To call the GIS functions under tab ‘GIS’, call any parcel, which is in the Local Plan.

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F) Changing classes (styles) should be avoided by any means, but if necessary and unavoidable, following changes have to be made in the system:

  • Style file in folder C:\Map Maker\Configuration\Style library, then distribute to all folders Library of the server and all decentralized computers

  • Adjust all existing data (!!!) at the server and all decentralized computers

  •  Annex 5 of this Manual

  •  Annex 6 of this Manual

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G) The process to make IDs equal to the display labels, where the UPNs have been entered to, is automatically called by the function ‘Quality Control: GIS’ .

It can also be invoked invoked  manually in Map Maker – Live Layer through:
Live layer actions > Live layer actions window: IDs and labels > Amend labels and IDs > OK > Set IDs equal to display label > OK and save.

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H) Similarly, the process to copy data from the Structure Plan DRA file to the Permit Database is automatically called by the function ‘Import from GIS (Structure Plan --> PDB’ .

It can also be invoked invoked  manually in Map Maker – Live Layer through:
Live layer actions > Live layer actions window: Spatial queries > Inherit attributes from other file > OK > Inherit attributes from other file window: Polygon file > Select folder and file of Structure Plan > Tick: Inherit styles > No tick: Inherit labels > OK and save.

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I) Similarly, the process to delete duplicate objects is automatically called by the function ‘Quality Control: GIS’.

It can also be invoked invoked  manually in Map Maker – Live Layer through:
Live layer actions > Live layer actions window: Tidy > Remove duplicate objects > OK and save.

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J) The name of the Local Plan should not have more than 12 letters/characters (see also Annex 10).

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K) If a district logo is available and saved in Folder C:\LUPMIS\Permits\Support under the filename Logo_district_xxxxxx (where xxxxxx = district name of max 6 letters, but no spaces), this logo will appear at the top right of the issued permits (instead of ‘LUPMIS’).


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