2.1 Create new layer - LUPMISManual

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2. GIS data entry

2.1 Create New Layer

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Beginner; general Map Maker training

To create a new layer does not require any set up. Start digitizing either a polygon (see  Chapter 2.4) or a line (see  Chapter 2.2) or a point (‘symbol’, see  Chapter 2.3 ). Always avoid to have these different types in the same layer (i.e. do not combine polygons and lines in the same file).

Alternatively, you can use the
right-mouse > Drawing > options to enter the digitizing mode.

All new entries will be entered in the ‘live layer’ and are marked with a small blue circle.

Note: If you can not see the blue circles as shown above, check that under Main menu > Edit > Live layer options, all ticks are on (see also Annex 1.1.4).

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Do not forget to save at the end of the session or every 10 or 15 minutes.

You can also take this layer out by
Main menu > Edit > Clear live layer. For example, if you made some changes, but you don’t want to save them.

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LUPMIS exercise: Create a dummy polygon, line, point layer, and save them – one by one – in temporary files (Temp_polygon, Temp_line, Temp_points).


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