8.2.14 Utilities - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.2 Drawing Tools

8.2.14 Utilities

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

  • a) Photo / Topo Coverage:

A rectangular tiling system of images is standard in LUPMIS to enable easy access and archiving:

  • The standard area size of images at high resolution is 2 x 1 km (width 2 km, height 1 km). For lower resolution, image 'overviews' have area sizes of 6 x 3, 12 x 6, 24 x 12 km.
  • All images are 'anchored' with their left bottom (SW) corner at a round km-grid in UTM 30.
  • This 'anchor' determines the first part of the file name. After that number, the file name includes the year, size and resolution, all separated by _. Additional remarks about the processing might be added at the end.
  • All images of one set (same year, same resolution) are stored in one folder under the photo folder of the District.

Example: 6780789_2010_2x1_40: At SW corner of 678000 / 789000 with an area of 2 x 1 km and a resolution of 40 cm, of the year 2010. 

The full syntax of all image files (satellite images, aerial photographs, topo sheets) can be viewed Drawing Tools > Utilities > Photo / topo coverage, also shown below:

You can also enter a filename of an image, and have its extent displayed in GIS or in an Internet map browser.

If the raw source file(s) are very large or in a different projection, tiles can be created automatically through LUPMIS (see Chapter Cut to tiles). 

If work is carried out in smaller scales (e.g. for Structure Plans or SDF), images are better re-sampled to cover larger areas. These image 'overviews' can be automatically created throught LUPMIS (see Chapter Merge tiles). 

This Tool 'Coverage' also has a quality-control feature of checking, if the file name of the images (satellite images or aerial photographs) follows the explained naming standards:

If the result is as below, everything is ok:

Background of this function are frequent observations, that files were wrongly (manually) named and can therefore not be found in the system.

  • b) Change style Number

  • c) Change Text Height

  • d) Procedure: New District

The recommended procedure for data population of a new District is listed under Drawing Tools > Utilities > Procedure: New District:

At the bottom of this page, you will also find specific consideration of Volta Districts/Regions and other easternmost Districts of Ghana, where the default projection is UTM 31, but to be consistent with LUPMIS, to be converted to the standard of UTM 30.


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