7.5.2 Workplan for Structure Plan - LUPMISManual

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7. GIS for land use planning > 7.5 Structure Plan

7.5.2 Workplan for Structure Plan

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Planner; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

1. Preparation

1.1 Have the base map of the approximate Structure Plan area ready in LUPMIS, in WGS84.

1.2 Agree on planning area of Structure Plan, based on Framework, maps and consideration of development trends and known major proposals. This can be a township, a new development hub, a village or part of a big city.

1.3 Check the recommended planning scale of 1:25,000. How big will the final Structure Plan map be? Does it fit on an A0 print?

1.4 Have the Framework ready or prepared (see  Chapter 7.4). Do not attempt to define a Structure Plan without a Framework as the base.

1.5 Collect the Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP). Study it carefully.

1.6 Discuss this workplan with your colleagues. Assign a timeframe for each step and individual responsibilities.

2. Data Collection – Part 1: Mapping

2.1 Collect orthophotomaps or satellite images (at a resolution of 80-100 cm, in a 6x3 km matrix, see  Chapter 5.3.1), georeferenced with an accuracy of better than 10 m.

2.2 Map the current land use (including high/medium/low density housing, see  Chapter 7.2).

2.3 Collect additional GIS data:

  • Administrative boundaries

  • Existing main roads, preferably GPS-tracked

  • Water bodies (can be digitized from orthophotomaps or similar)

  • Drainage canals (-“-)

  • All towns, villages, communities, with their locations and names, preferably GPS-tracked

  • Topography: Both contour lines (5m interval, if available) and steep areas

  • Flood prone areas

  • Areas of ecological importance or sensitivity

  • Any exclusion zones, as might be relevant in this area (see step 1 of  Chapter 7.5.3)

2.4 Identify existing primary and trunk distribution networks for:

  • Water

  • Drainage

  • Electricity

  • Sewage

  • Communal drinking water supply points

2.5 Identify masts of telecommunication, television, radio. Map them in LUPMIS.

2.6 Identify and map land on or adjacent to natural fault lines, with a high degree of risk from seismic activity.

3. Data Collection – Part 2: Quantitative data

3.1 Based on the Framework ( Chapter 7.4), check the population forecast (step 1 of  Chapter 7.4.3) and proposed town functionalities (step 2 of  Chapter 7.4.2). Revise if necessary. See Annex 15 for statistics.

3.2 Measure intensity of housing in a few, representative areas. Assess quality of housing and , if necessary, map areas of poor housing quality (‘ slums’).

3.3 Identify approximate net densities per hectare in housing areas. Distinguish between low (< 10 units/ha), medium (10-25 units/ha) and high density (> 25 units/ha).

4. Analysis – Part 1: Mapping

4.1 Buffer existing roads: 100 m for main national highways, 50 m on other main trunk roads, 20-50 m for main collector roads (see step 4 of  Chapter 7.5.3).

4.2 Buffer existing power lines and waterways

4.3 Identify areas where existing structures will make implementation of roads problematic.

4.4 Overlay approved plans and identify boundaries of approved land uses, in LUPMIS (see steps 3.1–3.6 of  Chapter 7.4.2).

4.5 On approved plans, identify planned main arterial roads and collector roads.

4.6 Identify land classified as having high agricultural potential and / or land under current high agricultural productivity. Mark these areas on the map.

4.7 Identify areas of other approved developments (for example, airports, transport terminals, railway stations, industrial projects). Mark these areas on the map.

4.8 Adjust existing plans, where necessary, for example, if construction contradicts topography or hydrology, or road buffers. If not possible at this stage, make a note, discuss and incorporate changes in step 6 (‘Plan drafting’).

4.9 Organize workshop to present all collected data. Include discussions about vision, objectives and actions required, if not done already done, for example for the Framework (step 2.9 of lt Chapter 7.4.2

5. Analysis – Part 2: Estimates of land requirements

5.1 Based on population forecast (step 3.1), work with the defined town functionalities and population forecast over the planning period (10-15 years). Consider different population projections, planned forecasts and age pyramids.

5.2 Project number of additional households, size of households and calculate additional housing demand on land (‘land requirements for housing development’).

5.3 Based on income distribution and step 3.3, estimate demand for plots of varying sizes.

5.4 Identify land requirements that will satisfy 10-15 year requirements of housing. Prepare different scenarios. See also step 0 of following Chapter 7.5.3.

5.5 Determine the additional numbers of educational uses and their relationship to housing areas. Deduct land allocated for education from housing areas.

5.6 Assess potential change of employment patterns and its impact on requirement on housing, and visualize / map these corrections in LUPMIS. These can be more land for industrial use, warehousing, shopping facilities, office based employment etc.

5.7 Assess need for specific uses:

  • Tourism

  • Public open space

  • Market space

  • Transport terminals

  • Health facilities

  • Religious buildings

Calculate and assess the land required for these specific uses during the plan period. If possible at this stage, try to map them.

5.8 Compare net densities of existing plans with present densities, to identify potential for development of additional housing, industry or commerce.

6. Plan Drafting

6.1 Draw new corridors as axis of development. These might already have been defined for the Framework (Chapter 7.4.1, see step 2 of Chapter 7.5.3).

6.2 Whenever a location is fixed to a precondition (topography, existing structures, hydrology), have it mapped.

6.3 Highlight areas of slopes of more than 20º on the map, and any other exclusion areas (see steps 2.3 and 2.6).

6.4 Identify and map all areas of 5 or more ha with no apparent land use, if appropriate.

6.5 Identify and map areas of 5 or more ha, where other specified land use plans have been approved, such as for commercial development, tourism, forestry, public housing etc.

6.6 Based on previous calculations, identify areas for each use: Industrial, commercial, residential, warehouse etc.

Remark: The operational, practical step of Structure Plan approximation(s) has not been established for land use planning at TCPD. Steps 6.7 and 6.8 are taken out.

6.9 Define areas for Local Plans (‘Sector Layouts’). Try to make them relatively homogenous.

7. Plan Formulation

7.1 Prepare maps of different scenarios to meet all expectations and to include all earlier analyses.

They should also include potential alignment of new and expanded areas.

A number of 2-4 different options is most adequate in most cases, and gives the decision makers the best choice of selection.

7.2 Clarify any contradictions in the programmes and plans and identify gaps. Agree on how to resolve problems.

7.3 Prepare and make presentation of findings and alternative development scenarios to the Assembly, Urban Council, key stakeholders. Collect comments and suggestions.

7.4 Prepare press releases.

7.5 Evaluate feedback and responses from public and stakeholders.

7.6 Consult with utility systems (water, electricity etc) and Works Department on infrastructure requirements and scale of investment required.

7.7 Prepare infrastructure layouts and plans, identifying extension of main lines, connector roads, primary drainage, power lines. Prepare maps to illustrate these proposals, including the staging of the extensions and improvements.

7.8 Organize workshop for key persons from Assemblies, the RCC and representatives of key sector agencies (agriculture, public works, highways, health, education and utility companies).

8. Plan Presentation and Approval

8.1 Prepare maps for final presentations, with final layout (see  Chapter 7.5.4).

8.2 Prepare text report including the assumptions and analysis made and decisions taken by the authorities, including a proposal for the phasing of development.

8.3 Prepare schedule for implementation by sector and identification of agency.

8.4 Prepare monitoring plan.

8.5 Prepare preliminary implementation budget for expenditure within the remit of the Assembly, including the pegging of main connector road alignments, drainage channels and identification of sites for special development.

8.6 Prepare presentation to Assembly and seek approval of plan and preliminary budget.

8.7 Finalize.

8.8 Prepare final approval.


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