3.5 Derive statistics (area size, length) - LUPMISManual

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3. GIS operations

3.5 Derive Statistic (Area Sizes, Lengths)

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Advanced; general Map Maker training

Be sure, that you are working in UTM. Working in lat / long might result in unpredictable results.

First options to see area sizes and lengths were explained in Chapter 1.5, i.e. the procedure to measure. There are more options to retrieve area statistics.

Load the layer into the live layer:
Right-mouse > Project manager > Project manager window: Add layer > Select folder and file > Open > OK > Copy layer to live layer

Select the feature, you are interested at, and get figures:
Main menu > Edit > Show Selection Manager (below: 1) > Select-tool (below: 2) > Select unit (or units) (below: 3) > Selection Manager window (below: 4): Display of labels with their area sizes or line lengths

Statistics of total: Still in Selection Manager window: Statistics

Edit > Live layer data > Edit data, will show you a table, which also has – amongst other data – the area figures:

This table can be saved as a CSV file, which can then be loaded into Excel.

If you want to see this table from a layer in the static layer, in the Project Manager window go to tab Data link > Database (1, see below) > Edit data (2)


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