6.3.4 Detail map - LUPMISManual

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6.3.4 Detail Map

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; general Map Maker training

A detail map shows an enlargement of a part of the main map. This is used, when an area is too dense with cartographic features and cannot be read anymore.

1. If you like to have the same map displayed in the detail map inset, save your (current) ‘main map’ in a project.

2. Select furniture mode:
Right-mouse > Tick ‘Map furniture’

3. Define the area on the Map Maker screen, where the detail map should be placed (like any of the other furniture tools) by dragging the ‘Box’ cursor from one corner to the opposite corner

Map furniture window: Furniture type > Zoomed detail > Use current project

5. When clicking on the inset box inside the main map, you decrease the size of the box. When you right-click, you increase the box. Or, you can drag the box on the main map. Pan the main map.

6. Resize (to have a correct red box as reference to the main map): Still in furniture mode, you will see the cursor changing when moving from the detail map to the area outside. Drag, when there is a double-arrow.

7. You can move the detail map by dragging from inside the map. Place the map somewhere close to the edge or even corner of the main map

8. You can change the transparency or place a border by:
Still in furniture mode: Right-mouse > Map furniture window: Panel style > Change background transparency, or border style, or border colour > OK

You can delete a detail map by:
In furniture mode: Click on the detail map > right-mouse > Map furniture window: Delete


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