Import of property / business data - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Import of Property / Business Data

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

For bulk entry it is more convenient to enter data into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) or to another database (if exists), and then import this table into LUPMIS. This is possible through the 'Import' Revenue Tool:

The import table has to follow given conventions: Columns are predefined; the file has to be saved as CSV file and without any commas! (See Annex 20.1 for advice to save a table as CSV file).

It is very important to follow the forrmat. They are explained in general below, and can be viewed in LUPMIS and here for property, for business, for rateable value import.

In LUPMIS, column definitions can be viewed for property / business / payment / value data through
Import > '(format)':

Be aware, that different data are essential depending on the type of fee-fixing (if flat-rate or rate-impost for properties).

You might have to re-arrange your table accordingly through copy - paste operations. The last column must have the value -99 as control variable in all records. Search for - and delete - any commas.

An alternative is to create an empty template file
through Import > '(empty template)' or a data file of all parcels of one Local Plan and fill this empty file with collected property (or business) data : Legend/UPN list > Select Local Plan > Template for property / business revenue ..... > Listing for all UPN (for revenues) has been saved in CSV file UPN_Revenue_....csv. (See also Chapter 8.3.2: 'Legends').

Once you have prepared the import CSV file, you can import it:
Revenue > Entry > Import revenue data (field) > In separate window: Select folder and file > Select type of data (property or business) > Import.

If data are not clean, the import will stop and aborted. Error messages explain the type of error(s) and the record. Fix the data, and repeat the import process.

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If more than 1 property (or business) exist on 1 parcel, they are identified as SubUPN (see description in Chapter 8.2.2b). These SubUPN and their field data can be imported to LUPMIS on 2 different methods:

In the imported Excel CSV file, there can be either identical UPN (without SubUPN) for the computer to assign SubUPN letters, or the full SubUPN can be entered in the table:

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Optionally as a quality-check, you can identify a geographical range (with minimum and maximum x and y, in UTM coordinates), where the parcels should be located. If a parcel with UPN outside of this geographical range is in the imported data set, it will identify this as wrong.
  (More technical details and how to change).

Rateable values are an import data set for the revenue identification. They can be imported either on the table together with the other field data or as a separate file, as defined here.


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