2.6 Delete feature - LUPMISManual

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2.6 Delete Feature

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Beginner; general Map Maker training

You can delete any feature (polygon, line, point) only if you are in live layer:
Right-mouse > Edit > Select the feature, then delete it with the delete button on the keyboard.

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Alternatively, you can delete through the Selection Manager (
Main menu > Edit > Show Selection Manager):

1. With the Select-tool form the toolbar at left, you select the feature to delete. The unit’s outline will turn red.

2. In the Selection Manager window, select the unit and ‘Delete’.

You can also add units to an existing selection by holding the Ctrl key when selecting an additional unit.

You can take units out from a selection by holding the Ctrl key and pointing to a unit of the selection.


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