Import of GIS data - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Import of GIS Data

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

After you have entered the (textual) revenue data into the system, you must also import the geographical data from the GIS. These include the coordinates of the property / business locations, areas, names of the Local Plan and its planning characteristics.

Revenue > Entry > Import GIS data > Select the Local Plan > Import:

If more than 1 Local Plan form the geographical area of the revenue collection (which is most likely), you have to run this process for all Local Plans.

In the normal process of configuring the street names and property numbers through the automatic process of 'House number' Drawing Tools (see Chapter 8.2.9), all street names and property numbers are in the GIS file (in the label of the DRA file) and thus should be imported!

On the other side, if street names and property numbers are entered 'manually' in the Excel CSV file, as they might have been collected during field work, you should tick 'Dont import addresses from GIS file'. They are already in the system.

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Collector Zones and Revenue Zones in rev folder

Collector Zones and (in future) Revenue Zones are important for the revenue definition and collection. They will also be imported, if the requirements are met:

A) Collector Zones map: In a DRA file, with the name of the collector zone (e.g. Fijai, Takoradi-South, Coast) in the display label of each polygon. The file must be saved with the same name as the corresponding Local Plan and _collectorzones at the end, in the rev folder.
For example, if the Local Plan is called 'Layout_1.dra' (in folder ....STMA\STMA SL), the collector zones file must be 'Layout_1_collectorzones.dra' in folder ....STMA\STMA rev.

B) Revenue Fee Zones map: In a DRA file, with the number of the revenue fee zone (e.g. 1 for prime location, 2 for intermediate, 3 for marginal areas) as the style of each polygon. The file must be saved with the same name as the corresponding Local Plan and _revenuezones at the end, in the rev folder.
For example, if the Local Plan is called 'Layout_1.dra' (in folder ....STMA\STMA SL), the revenue fee zones file must be 'Layout_1_revenuezones.dra' in folder ....STMA\STMA rev.

The information of these files will be automatically imported into the Revenue Database, and for example be used for the monitoring of revenue collection by collector zones (see Chapter

If the collector zones are available only at a later stage, it is possible to import only Collector Zones and Revenue Zones. There is an option an the bottom of the menu.

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Technical note: 'House numbers' Tool assigns street names and property numbers to all parcels and writes those to the Address Database. (Choose option 'Create only reference files', if all parcels have already street names and house numbers).



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