A4.1 General - LUPMISManual

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Annexes 1-10 > A4. Troubleshooting

Annex 4 Troubleshooting

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Expert; general Map Maker training

Annex 4.1 General on Troubleshooting

GIS data are very complex. They are often large and have complex relations, both internally and to external data. Problems can easily arise, but can always be solved.

A) Most common errors are due to unclean data: Polygons have not entered correctly, they overlap each other (and have not been intersected, see  Chapter 3.3), boundaries of adjacent polygons are not identical (and have not been ‘snapped’ with the Snap-tool from the toolbar left or other tools), attribute data have been linked through wrong link column, etc etc.

All these errors can be identified and corrected. If they are not ok, they might cause crash of the system.

B) Processing of GIS requires large computer resources, in particular on memory: Shortage of memory (RAM) of the computer will either cause either a very slow processing of some processes or even freeze the entire computer (see below for instructions how to close the application, and to recover the data).

Some commands are more sensitive than others, in particular buffering, georeferencing, format conversion require large memory. Often it helps, to re-do a command, which failed in an earlier attempt, again after rebooting the computer.

C) Like any GIS software, also Map Maker is not completely bug-free. To repeat the process or to use different commands (or tools) will help.

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Most important is frequent backup of your data

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More, individual troubleshooting for planning help can be found at:


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