2.13 Extend polygon - LUPMISManual

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2. GIS data entry

2.13 Extend Polygon

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; general Map Maker training

If you want to add some area to a polygon, you can do so with the Cutter-tool from the toolbar left.

1. Start inside the polygon with left-clicking,
2. Click outside the polygon to define the shape,
3. End the digitizing again inside with the right-mouse.

There is a new polygon adjacent to the previous.

Sometimes, this is the goal. The process is then finished.

If you want to merge these two units into one large unit, you have to unite them with the Join-tool from the toolbar left. After selecting the tool, you click on the master unit (most likely, the previously existing unit) and drag it to the new extended area.

Finished: You now have one larger unit.

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Be sure, that you set the cutter options to retain all values after cutting (polygon IDs, style, label). See Annex 1.1.6 for setting the cutter options.

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If you have a database attached: You will loose the attached database reference. Therefore, you have to save the database separately beforehand, and join it again (see  Chapter 4)


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