2.3 Digitize point - LUPMISManual

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2. GIS data entry

2.3 Digitize Point

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Beginner; general Map Maker training

You can directly digitize points (‘symbols’ in Map Maker) on-screen, if you can see points on your background map (scanned topo map, orthophoto, Google Earth etc). See  Chapter 2.2  for general instructions and loading background maps.

Start digitizing:
Symbol-tool (at toolbar left, or right-mouse > Drawing > Symbol) > Cursor changes to line with ‘Symbol’ > Click the mouse on the location of the point > Symbol window: OK

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If you have coordinates, for example a listing of points with their lat/long coordinates, you can enter them either to Excel or into a text file, and import them from there to Map Maker (see  Chapter 5.1 )

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Note 1: Points can also be added from GPS as ‘waypoints’. The process is explained in Chapters 5.1.7 and 5.1.8

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Note 2: If you like to enter or to have points on a temporary basis (not necessarily to be used in future), you can set ‘markers’:
Move to the location > Press M on the keyboard

You can delete and have some management options under
Main menu > Edit > Markers > … or by right-mouse > Edit > Edit object > Point to marker > Edit marker window (see below).


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