Manual entry of payments - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Manual Entry of Payments

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

Similarly to the entry of property or business data, payments can be entered manually (as explained below) or by import of a CSV (Excel) file (explained in the next Chapter). The manual procedure is through Revenue > Entry > Payment: Property (or Business) > UPN (or other identification) > Continue:

The mandatory entry fields are marked in bold and with (*).

The receipt number is based on the concept of receipt books with 50 or 100 receipt formulars and a sequential number of receipts. If no payment and thus no receipts have been entered yet, or if a new receipt book has started, choose the option 'Enter full receipt' and enter the name of the receipt book and the number of the receipt on the right side:

Technical note: The very special entry of arrears is only for supervisors; no other fields then need entry.

If you request a receipt from the system, select the size option, or choose 'No receipt'. The receipt will be saved as a PDF file in folder 'Receipts'.

After entry, '
Save payment'.



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