Vector: HTML / KML - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.2 Drawing Tools > 8.2.12 Format conversion

8.2.12 Format Conversion Vector: HTML / KML

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

These Tools covers all conversion options of HTML and KML formats, in particular for Internet display, upload and compatibility:

  • a) Export for Display in OpenStreetMap / Google Maps

This export version of DRA files to Internet-format creates an HTML files for direct display in OpenStreetMaps or in Google Maps: Drawing Tools > Format conversion > Format conversion: Vector > Export for display in OSM / Google. It can convert both DRA and SHP files.

Be aware, the main focus of this Tool is the immediate display. It does not create a KML or GML file. For those conversion, other Tools exist (see below). 

Technical remark: It creates a JavaScript part in an HTML file.

After selecting the DRA file, you carefully specify the type of file (polygon vs line vs point) and of display, see below some examples. The options for color appearances, line widths or point sizes are based on the style number in the DRA file.

Examples of output:

  • b) Export DRA to KML / Internet

The most powerful export tool from DRA files to Open-Source format is the Drawing Tool > Format conversion > Format conversion: Vector > Export DRA to KML / Internet:


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