8.5.5 Census tools - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.5 Census Tools

8.5.5 Census Tools

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

This Web page is still under construction and incomplete. It will be updated and complete shortly. The compound formula is useful for population calculation over many years. It can easily be accessed through the tool 'Growth rate', to calculate:

  • The future population, if current population, growth rate and number of years are know, or

  • The growth rate, if past and current population are know (and number of years between)

The example below shows, that a population will more than double (from 100,000 to 215,892), if population growth is 8% per year, over 10 years: The 'Assign Grades to Settlements' Tool is the 1. of 3 function to process settlement data in combination with the GIS. This (re-) processing is very important whenever settlement data have been changed or added.

Technical note: Previous definitions are saved ...

The '
Add District to settlements' function is the assignment of the District to each settlement, based on the GIS layer of settlements and Districts (overlay). 'Region --> District' breaks down the census data, which are normally entered and maintained on a regional level, to District level. You have to be logged in on District level, to 'copy' the regional census data to your District. Through Entry > Import: Settlement you can re-assign grades, i.e. gives the grade (hierarchy) of each settlement, based on their population size and on political status (capital). Through Entry > Import: District you can re-assign District codes, i.e. the number of the District will be given to the census database.


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