8.2.1 Overview - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.2 Drawing Tools

8.2 Drawing Tools

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Intermediate; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

8.2.1 Overview

To draw features (parcels, lines, points, planning templates) in accurate terms in meters (distance) / degrees (bearing) or in x / y coordinates, or to modify or to process or quality-contol, you can use the 'Drawing Tools' of LUPMIS. 

You can draw line, arcs, polygons, points line with attached parcels ('cut lines'). - You can mirror, prolong, shift, buffer, cut vector data. - You can assign streetnames, housenumbers, UPN.

Most '
Drawing Tools' create a new DRA file with the requested features in a temporary file (often 'Lupmis_temp_...) in folder C:\LUPMIS\LUPMISTemp, displayed at Map Maker. It is upto you to save this temporary file in a permanent location. Additionally, points which have been created and might be useful for future processing, are saved under the same temporary file name with a suffix (ending) of _p.

Note: Technically, it is programmed in php to satisfy future requests on webbased migration of GIS services. It uses MMmacro and GIS file import and export features of Map Maker (loc, xy, mme, ptp and geo files, see also Annex 18.5).


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