H8.6.2.6b Import format for fees and classes (business) - LUPMISManual

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8. LUPMIS Tools > 8.6 Revenue Tools > 8.6.2 Entry of revenue data Import Format for Fees and Classes (Business)

Level of expertise required for this Chapter: Expert; specifically for LUPMIS @ TCPD

Data  Essential ?Format / Remark ExampleExcel column
Code (combined)b> ESSENTIAL
Codes must be
Number: 100,200... for type,
101,102... for class 
Business type ESSENTIALgeneral, (name; must be filled even if there is class)Hairdressers B
Business class (also called 'Category') ESSENTIALspecific, (name)Cat B One-manC
Unit (name, e.g. year, month, trip)yearE
Assessed (not applicable anymore, 1 for yes)0F
Rate impost (not applicable anymore, number)0 or 0.00012G
Code of zone (string code; if more than 1, separate by -)A or A-BH
Name of zone (name; if more than 1, separate by -) CBDI
Comments (text)no commentsJ
Alternative name 1 for business type    (text)HairdresserK
Alternative name 2 for business type (text)BarberL
Marker (icon) (text, max 5 letters), for display in Internet maphomeM
Control variable ESSENTIAL-99 at end-99N

In total, there should be 14 columns (last column in Excel: N).

File name should contain 'use_names' (e.g. STMA_use_names_2014.csv)

General requirements:

- The term 'Business type' is general (for example: Agric/Agro Products), while 'Business class' refers to the specific description (in many cases a 'category', for example: Category A - Producers).

- Empty cells are allowed, except where indicated as essential (code, rate).
- If necessary, insert empy columns or re-arrange columns in your spreadsheet. 
- Observe the number -99 at the right-most column as control variable.
- No commas or and-signs (&) or quotations (" or ') are allowed anywhere in your Excel data, as they work as delimiters in the CSV file. Delete or replace them in Excel.
- Data from the CSV file will overwrite data in the LUPMIS Revenue Database. If the cell in the Excel/csv file is blank, this will NOT overwrite/delete the LUPMIS revenue data.
- Alternative names help the import of business types and classes, if the class is un-known, but can be expressed in words in the comment column of the business field data.


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